Saturday, 6 December 2014

Why is exercise so good for us?

There is no two ways about it - exercise, any exercise, is good for us.  Good for mind, body and soul!

When was the last time you thought to yourself "I really regret doing that workout".


Not only does regular exercise help improve your level of fitness and ability to maintain a healthy weight but it also helps reduce the risk of many different physical aliments from occurring.  Aliments such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and certain forms of cancers.  On top of all that it also helps to lower your stress levels, release powerful feel-good hormones and improve your body confidence.

What's not to like?

So why do people find it so hard to fit it in to their increasingly busy schedules?

Some feel that in order to be classed as active you have to beast yourself in the gym for hours upon end, or run 6 miles everyday.  Well if that is your thing - great -  but for most of us just moving more really does help.  The simple way to look at it is to try and increase the amount of physical activity you do everyday on a little and often bases.

So walk up the stairs instead of getting the lift.

Take your kids to the park instead of watching the TV.  You could even have a little play on the equipment while you are at it!

Do 5 squats every time an advert for a supermarket is on the TV.

Do calf raises while you brush your teeth.


Aileen x

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! Such an inspiration x
