Wednesday, 3 December 2014

A little self love

We could all do with a little self love!

The impact this has on you, and all those around you, is enormous.

It is true - you attract what you put out!

I have a few favourite authors on this subject and this is a quote I use a lot of the time -  "You've got to be willing to believe that you were put on this earth for more than your endless attempts to lose the same 30lbs, 300 times for 80 years" Geneen Roth.

Why this quote; because otherwise we miss so much around us and don't enjoy life - too hung up.

The focus on being thin has a real negative impact on our partners, our friends and even more so on our children. We teach them that this behaviour of self punishment is good and must be adhered to if we want to be thin.

 Cut yourself some slack, love you, love life, love those around you and watch them settle into contentment - happy mummy - happy family!

So most importantly - NOURISH YOURSELF!  It's the biggest thing you can do to show love to your body. Try just for the next seven days sitting down to each meal and enjoying what you are eating. This is great for you and can be a real social time with others. Let me know how you get on.


1 comment:

  1. A good website that helps you understand the need for a little self love every now and again is
