Probably one of the biggest concerns about our bodies when we have a baby is how to loose the "Mummy Tummy".
Even before you become pregnant this though can be there - lurking away in the background!
But fear not - it is possible to address this problem.
"How? I'm already doing loads of crunches and it's not working".
And there lies the problem.
While crunches do tone your abdominals, they only tone the upper abdominals and are completely unsuitable if you have poor pelvic floor muscles or any form of abdominal separation (after having a baby)
This results in a muscular imbalance between your stronger, upper and weaker, lower abdominals leaving you with a "pooch" in your lower tummy (you may have hear of this as doming)!

"So how do I flatten my tummy?"
You need to do exercises that engage your deeper, lower abdominals; exercises that are designed to strengthen you from the inside out.
Try the following 3 exercises to see if you can feel the difference.
- Start Position: Lie comfortably on your back on a firm surface. Keep your head relaxed. You may use a thin pillow or folded towel under your head if you like. Place one or two pillows under your buttocks. After a week or so try it without the pillows.
- Bend your knees and hips keeping your feet flat on the ground, hip width apart.
- Place two fingers of each hand on the top part of your knicker line, just inside your pelvis.
- Now, gently EXHALE and perform a pelvic floor contraction, as if you are trying to stop the flow of 1 or 2 drops of urine. Try to hold this contraction for 3 seconds. (Try slowly counting out loud, “O-n-e Mississippi, T-w-o Mississippi, T-h-r-e-e Mississippi”)
- Relax. Then perform 3 quick contractions, where you gently contract then relax your pelvic floor, remember to gently exhale with each contraction. (Try counting out loud, “One – Relax, Two – Relax, Three – Relax”)
- Now relax for 6 seconds.
- Do each set 10 times in a row, 3 times per day.
It should feel as if your abdomen is gently drawing in towards your spine, not bulging outwards as you contract your pelvic floor muscles. Don’t force it by pulling your belly button towards your spine; let it happen naturally. Remember to be gentle! Less is more. If you try too hard you will be working the outer layer of abdominals not your deeper core muscles.
Got it? Once you feel confident about doing this exercise correctly, try doing it in different positions while sitting, standing and even walking instead of just on a mat. Then try to fit it in during your normal daily activities; such as while you cook a meal, wait at a traffic light or while checking your Facebook page.
Exercise 2: THE HEEL SLIDER – “The Hovercraft”
- Start Position: Lie comfortably on your back with your knees and hips bent keeping your feet flat on the ground, hip width apart. You can use a thin pillow or folded towel to support your head.
- Place both hands on your tummy, and spread your fingers so that your thumbs are touching the lower part of your rib cage and the tips of your fingers are touching the sides of your pelvis. (See hand placement in the image above.) Only your legs should move while you perform this exercise so use your hands to monitor excessive movement.
- First, gently exhale and count out loud the entire time you do this exercise.
- Then contract your deep abdominal muscles by doing the “pelvic-core starter” exercise (exercise 1, above).
- Next, lift the heel of one foot ¼ inch above the floor. Slowly slide that heel just above the ground, like a hovercraft, as you straighten your leg. Keep your heel above the ground and then return to the start position by slowly gliding your heel ¼ inch, like a hovercraft, back towards your buttocks. (Do this slowly; it should take about 5 seconds or “Mississippi counts” to straighten your leg and another 5 seconds to return to the start position)
- Make sure you don’t wiggle your pelvis while you straighten and bend your leg!
- Repeat with the other leg.
- Do this 10 times on each leg and work up to 3 sets of 10.
Remember to continue gently exhaling or counting out loud while you do the heel slide in both directions.
Exercise 3: THE BRIDGE
- Start Position: Lie on your back with your knees and hips bent and hip width apart. You can use a thin pillow or folded towel to support your head.
- Your head and arms should be relaxed during the entire exercise.
- Put your weight on the heels of your feet and point your toes towards the ceiling so they are lifted off the floor.
- Next, gently EXHALE and count out loud as your do the entire exercise.
- Then lift your bottom off the floor, aiming for a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
- Hold this position for a count of 3 then slowly lower your body back to the start position. Repeat this 10 times.
- Work up to holding the bridge position for 10 counts, then repeat 10 times.
Aileen xxx
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