Sunday, 3 May 2015

Nourish to Flourish Nerves

Tomorrow sees the start of our Nourish to Flourish challenge and I am beginning to feel the nerves!

My attitude to exercise and nutrition growing up was "I can eat that slice of chocolate cake because I have just been for a run".


I now know that you can't out exercise a bad diet but I would be lying to you if I told you I had perfect eating habits (I just can't shake my sweet tooth!).

So this challenge is just what I need to kick start my new approach to food and to start to really nourish MY body.  I am delighted to be starting this nutritional journey with Sam, Natasha and Suzy but I am scared!

I'm scared because:

  1. My Metabolic Type suggests foods that I have never heard of!
  2. How am I going to copy when hunger strikes!
  3. I am going camping with my family this weekend (surely that means eating toasted marshmallows).
  4. It's my husband's birthday this week (arrgh I will be faced with cake and booze).

Life is real though!

I know that this week is going to be about "eating less wrong and more right" as Sam has told me. 

So my aim for the first week is:

  1. Increase water consumption (a proven tactic to help deal with hunger pangs).
  2. Decrease the amount of carbs I eat - and to make sure the ones I do eat are the correct type for me.
  3. Include protein in all my meals.

Fitness wise I'm not so nervous as I know that I need to focus more on my core to increase both my strength and function.

These exercises will concentrate on going back to basics and working the body from the inside out - look at them as the foundations of a building.

I also hope to do at least one session that involves more resistance training - i.e weights!!!!

So there you have it folks!

I'll keep you posted!

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